Monday, August 10, 2009

The social welfare agent was out all last week at his home village, so the paperwork was not able to be signed last week. We spoke to the attorney last Friday and she had already talked to him about our case and he had agreed to sign the petition when she brings it to him today. We will call later this afternoon to get an update. Otherwise, just waiting...

Last Thursday, we were able to go out to Meteketa (the other Orphan Care Center here in Malawi right now) and take 57 blankets for the kids there. Not all of the kids were able to be there as they are on holiday from school and some go to their home villages to be with family during the holidays. We were able to hand out over 30 blankets, though, when we went. It is a blessing knowing that these kids will be warm at night now.

Yesterday we went back out to Meteketa and Pastor Chisale took us to 2 other churches in the general area to meet the people there. Jeff spoke in each of the churches and the people we met were all very welcoming. There was a raging fire that came within 50 yards of the first church as we started the service, so that was a little distracting. But, they were able to put the fire out and no one got hurt!! At the 2nd village, after the church service, they fed us our lunch (which was very good) and then we went back to Meteketa to pick up the rice bags we had bought for the Orphan Care Center in Blantyre. We took back 10 bags of rice (for a lot cheaper than what they would have cost in Blantyre), so this was a big blessing. We left 3 bags there in Meteketa (approx. 70 kgs/bag). All of the money for this rice was money that was given by the high school students at Faith High School.

Also, yesterday, we were able to see the company drilling the well in Meteketa. They had started drilling on Saturday and had already hit water before we left Meteketa yesterday. Hopefully, the cement and everything will be completed in the next couple of days on the well.


Brian said...

Thanks for the update. I was wondering how things are going. That is great news about the blankets, the well, and rice. I'm still praying for you guys and about the adoption process. We miss you here, but I wish I were there.

April Markham said...

I love reading the updates. Thank you for letting us be a part of what you are doing. I have been praying for all you are doing. Shannon and I have been working on getting some clothes together for Linda for when she gets here. One of Shannons old neighbors has a bunch of great cloths to give you. We are all so excited for your arrival home. Be blessed!
